Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Why so quiet, Nuadha?
I have more time and energy to blog lately, so why haven't you been hearing much from me...besides the occassional quote? I'm not sure. I just don't feel that I have much to say, for one thing. Also, I'm trying to spend my free time teaching myself wonderful little DOS. I missed the whole DOS generation. Mired in by backwards world of Commodore 64 and the wonderful world of Basic, I never did much with DOS and by the time I started really using PCs, Windows was so common that the only DOS command I needed to learn was "WIN."

In other news- I played in a few Heroclix tournaments recently and quickly realized that I don't like "serious" play as much. When people play to win and only to win (we always play to win a little bit...), the game really sucks. I may try playing in a few more tourneys sometime, but I have no doubt that Heroclix works best as a casual "beer 'n'pretzels" game played amongst friends. So, I played in a few games of Magic: The Gathering in the last couple of weeks as with Neil and Eric after the rest of our usual Champions group had to cancel and one after one of the Heroclix tournaments at The Underworld. Neil was there playng some Magic with soem people and invited me in to borrow one of his decks. Paper crack is right. You can quit playing but it's easy to get sucked back in. The thing that I enjoyed is that Magic is a relatively balanced game compared to Heroclix. HC is still new, so they are still working a lot of bugs out of the game, but the new Magic sets have been designed by people based off of years of experience. They know what works and what doesn't. So, having had so much fun with those games, I told Carla aout them and we ran out to pick up a new deck. We won't be spending much money on cards like we did years ago...because we don't have disposable money like we had years ago....but, we're playing magic again.

Reading my last post, I keep picturing Jim Gordon giving Batman a lecture about worrying him. It's amusing me.


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