Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Monday, June 10, 2002

Things To Do in Michigan When You're Dead
Warning: May offend some readers. Read at your own risk.
I've been thinking a lot about dying lately. I'm not being as morbid as you may think. I just know I'm going to die. Hopefully it won't be for some time, but no matter what I do, the same ending awaits. I've been meditating on that and it's a bit liberating, even comforting. I know that when I die it will be a natural part of living. It's not something I can't completely avoid.

One of the things that keeps coming to mind, is what will happen to my body after my death? I won't be using it anymore, so I would like to see my remains go to good use. I used to think that I wanted to be cremated, but wouldn't that be wasteful? Perhaps I can have my body given to science, but then they may try and resurrect me or use my body for "evil" purposes (too much comic books...). I don't think I can legally will my body to the zoo to feed animals, can I? It may sound horrible, but isn't a body just meat after you die? Could I stop a living breathing animal from dying to feed some carnivore if I don't remain so attached to my body? If I could, I would.

Why do so many religions put such reverance around dead bodies? Why do we lock them up in metal boxes to waste space in a graveyard or tenderly hold the ashs of our loved ones in urns? Does being near a dead body make us feel closer to the person? I would rather be close to the memories of their lives and be happy for them that their spirit has gone on to whatever mysteries await us after our lives end. What do I believe happens? I don't worry about that too much. I do believe in reicarnation, but I don't think it matters too much. What I think does matter is how one lives their life today.

I guess thinking about dying makes me more aware of living. Each moment we are alive is one more moment that will never come again. Each moment that I spend alive gets me closer to death. So, I guess I should live in the now and enjoy every moment for even this body is only a temporary thing. I won't always experience the simple joy of breathing. After all, I know how this tale ends. It's not such a bad ending. It's just completeing the cycle, right?


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