Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Monday, August 05, 2002

Michigan Primaries
Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a president and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.
-FDR, 1938

Roosevelt may sound a tad too idealistic but in theory that is the way a democracy is supposed to work.

Tomorrow is the Michigan primaries. I did some reading on the candidates in my area and there isn't much choice. Besides Governor, every position has only one Democrat running so I wouldn't have anyone to choose from. I could vote on the Republican candidates and try to get the more dangerously right wing ones off of the final ballot, but that would mean I would have to stomach reading about them and choosing the lesser evil. Of course, I wouldn't be much better off on the Democratic side anyway. As it is we have three Democrats running for governor and I don't like any of them.
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody, rather than for somebody
-Franklin P. Adams, Nods and Becks (via Camp's Unfamiliar Quotations)

Now I need to find a description of the Bills on tomorrow's ballot.


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