Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

It'll probably suck, but....
I'm still excited. They're making a movie based on the PS2 game "Devil May Cry." It's true that past movies based on video games have given the world "Street Fighter" and "Double Dragon," but I think this will be different. PS2 games are so cinematic that they are practically movies already. They should be very easy to translate well into a decent movie. Besides, Tomb Raider wasn't that bad. I mean, I have no interest in seeing "Tomb Raider" again, but I enjoyed seeing it once. That's a big step over "Street Fighter." ( In case anyone's wondering, I'm aware that I should be underlining movie titles and not just quoting them, but it's several more keystrokes to put in html code for an underline than just putting in quotation marks. Of course, now I just used way more keystrokes explaining my incorrectness than I saved by not underlining. Oh well.)


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