Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, February 28, 2002

Doomsday Clock
I heard on the radio this morning that the Doomsday Clock has moved. It is now at seven minutes to midnight.

About a week after the Sept. 11th attacks, I had a nightmare. I dreamt that a huge boom woke me up. Carla and I were living in an apartment for some reason and there was a window at the foot of the bed. We looked out the window to see a huge mushroom cloud in the distance and a wave of force and debris heading toward us. I moved to shield Carla as the dream ended and I woke up for real.

I think that was one of the worst nightmares I have ever had. Sure, it was only a few seconds but I think that is what scares me so much about a nuclear attack. It would be over in a split second and there is nothing you can do.


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