Pray for the Girls
lyrics to the song by Frank Black (from a Powerpuff Girls CD)
Last night I had the strangest dream
Saw everybody running in the streets
Leapfrogging salmon trying to get upstream
The dream was over but I could not sleep
I had to put on the lights when she said that
Last night I had the strangest dream
The sky was dark and I could not see
Felt underwater when I tried to scream
When I heard the rooster I was finally free
I was a little bit frightened when he said that
Last night I had the strangest dream
Me and the chickens running in the streets
We met a monkey with an eye that gleamed
He drew that line we couldn't move our beaks
A doggie woke me and he said hey rooster
Last night I had the strangest dream
The war was over but I had no peace
The moon was waning so it wasn't the beams
It's just a dream but I have no peace
I eavesdropped on my masters they said that
Last night we had the strangest dream
It was disturbing, oh what does it mean?
Monkey in a turban, oh what does it mean?
Last night we had the strangest dream
We better go to the mayor then we drove
Downtown to have a talk with the mayor
He told my masters uh, oh, can't you see?
What we have here is a prophecy
Cross your fingers people say a prayer
I'm not a religious dog but I say that
Better pray for the girls
Better pray for the girls
Ain't no other hope in this whole world
In sleep we searched behind the sun
A funny place to find someone
We did not find them on the moon
We dreamed that's where they disappeared
We dreamed perhaps another pearl
Or dangling on some other dune
But darker dreams we fear
Where'd you go this time, girls?
Better pray for the girls
Better pray for the girls
Ain't no other hope in this whole world
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
The Chalabi Method
Tom, the Dancing Bug explains how to get the government to work for you!
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Sister of Mercy lyrics
everybody shouts on I Love Lucy
Pee Wee reads the evening news
a pre-owned song or a second-hand Uzi
everybody got a job to lose
here come the golden oldies
here come the Hizbollah
businessmen from South Miami
humming AOR
I like Cal and his dog Napalm
I like Ike and his itty-bitty A-bomb
everybody got one, I want mine
you can order it up on Channel Nine
meanwhile, in the Sheraton
Doctor Jeep plays on and on and on
there was a time but it's long gone
Janie got a crush on the Vietcong
burning through downtown Saigon
me I'm sold - down the Mekong
meanwhile, in the Sheraton
Doctor Jeep plays on and on and on
guns and cars and accidents
the threatened witness my defence
you can sell one another for fifteen cents
well bye-bye mother, it's common sense
meanwhile, in the Sheraton
Doctor Jeep plays on and on and on
everybody shouts on I Love Lucy
Pee Wee reads the evening news
a pre-owned song or a second-hand Uzi
everybody got a job to lose
here come the golden oldies
here come the Hizbollah
businessmen from South Miami
humming AOR
meanwhile, in the Sheraton
Doctor Jeep plays on and on and on
I was listening to the Vision Thing tape in the car on the way to work this morning when it disturbed me that I know all the lyrics to this song and can sing along but still have no clue what it means. I had thought it was mostly nonsense that just sounded a bit like it had a deeper meaning but in the end meant nothing. However, I realized this morning that "Janie got a crush on the Vietcong" was probably referring to "Hanoi" Jane Fonda. Had I missed the deeper meaning.
Well, I was glad to find online that even knowing what some of the lines refers to, (Thanks to this site) Sisters of Mercy lyrics still are more poetic than full of crunchy meaning.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
First Flawless Person in History, Experts Believe
President George W. Bush received some much needed good news
today as the White House revealed conclusive evidence that
the President is perfect.
"After reviewing his actions since entering the White House
in 2001, we have come to the conclusion that the President is
perfect," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. "And we
believe that his perfection may date back even further than
that, possibly to his date of birth."
Mr. Bush responded to the news of his perfection with
self-effacing modesty, Mr. McClellan said, "which is exactly
how you'd expect a perfect person to react."
"He said he would move mountains to find some flaw that would
make him less than perfect," Mr. McClellan said, adding that
the President could, in fact, move mountains.
Mr. McClellan then distributed to the press copies of a
bowling score-sheet attributed to the President which showed
Mr. Bush bowling a perfect score of 300.
In the aftermath of the White House's announcement, experts
in the field of human perfection expressed astonishment at
the news of Mr. Bush's flawlessness.
"We've always operated on the presumption that nobody is
perfect," said Dr. David Stemmins of the University of
Minnesota. "If these revelations are true, that would make
President Bush the first perfect person in history."
Not so, says Mr. McClellan: "Condoleezza Rice, Donald
Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft are also perfect."
In other news, Barry Bonds's home-run heroics were
overshadowed yesterday when President Bush produced his 660th
reason for invading Iraq.
-From The Borowitz Report
Thursday, April 15, 2004
The Party of Lincoln?
A great article from Orcinus on how the Republican Party became the party of racists.
Harbinger of Haggis
Harriet, Harr-i-et
Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis.
Beautiful. Bemused. Bellicose butcher.
Untrusting. Unknowing. Unlov-ed.
He wants you back, he screamed in the night air like a fireman going to a window that has no fire. Except the passion of his heart.
I am lonely. It's really hard. This poem ... sucks.
-Mike Myers
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Things not to say
So, I get this call: "My PC has this horrible burning smell."
Answers that crossed my mind: "Don't worry. Just burn some incense and you won't notice it at all."
or "It smells like it's burning!? Quick! Put some water on it!"
Sending a Message to the Right
For four years Bill received regular kicks to the balls by Sam's right boot. At the end of the four years he was given a choice: four more years of getting booted in the groin by the right foot, or four years by the left. Bill could have said he'd accept neither. If he was going to get booted in the balls anyway, no matter which boot he chose, he wouldn't choose either. Why should he be a party to his own ball-crushing? Instead, so angry was he at Sam's right boot for four years of intolerable blows -- and charmed by the argument that the left boot was the only realistic alternative, and that the right boot really needed to be sent a message -- he decided he'd get even by choosing Sam's left boot this time. Maybe it would be marginally better. Today, crouched over in pain, he feebly raises his right fist in victory. "I showed that right boot a thing or two!"
Saturday, April 10, 2004
What is the Meatrix?
Moopheus is looking for you. Listen to him. Do you want to know what The Meatrix is?
Monday, April 05, 2004
Another pointless meme
(From Eternal Eponine)
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
Then he recognized the real source of his pain, as one recognizes an enemy: It was the crapulence brought on my drinking too much ale.
-From The Year of the Hangman By Gary Blackwood
2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
A computer monitor