Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Knowing your role
TNT is playing Lois and Clark in the mornings at 8:00 and I've been watching it some mornings. I never watched it when it was originally on. I didn't really care for it, but of course I wasn't the demographic they were going for. The show was obviously aimed at women. Still, I have a lot of respect for it now. It tried something new with the genre and succeeded. Sure, it could be cheesy and Dean Cain was (in my opinion) the worst actor to ever play Superman. (He played a good Clark Kent but he never seemed natural as Superman like Christopher Reeve was.) However it had some great moments. Today was the episode where Clark proposed to Lois. It was an excellent episode. At several times in the show Clark goes to tell Lois about his secret identity and they keep getting interrupted. Lois is getting pissed because she knows Clark has something really important to tell her but every time he starts, he has to run off giving her one of his trademark lame excuses. [Spoiler ahead, in case any one cares about spoiling a show that's been cancelled for years] At the end of the episode, Clark starts talking to her in the park. He aplogizes for the last couple of days and says he has something really important to tell her. It starts to rain and Lois suggests they go find someplace dry. "Not until I say this thing." Just when you figure Clark is going to tell her he's Superman, he pulls out a ring.

At one point during the episode Perry White turns to Jimmy Olsen and says:

It's like we're just supporting characters in some T.V. show. We only exist to further their plot.


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