Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Friday, March 07, 2003

It sounded like a good idea....
So, the number of players for the LARP is really disappointing. It's going to be tough to work with and make the game a success. I've got some ideas that will actually involve the players playing multiple characters. We'll see.

So, it's got me thinking. From what I've been told, the LARP has had fewer and fewer players over the last couple of years and obviously a silly, humorous game was not the thing that would pull people in. Hindsight is said to always be 20/20 and I'm looking back at the other options and wondering if they could have been more successful. I keep thinking that a Morpheus LARP was the way to go. Building on the Amber that was brought about by the events of Morpheus Calling, the game could allow players to play any character in an Amber environment and dealing with a classic Amber-based scenario- a family gathering that quickly turns into a life or death situation. There would have been interest. People probably would even dress up more since they could be playing one of their favorite characters of all time.

Ah well. Maybe next year. I'm not sure I'm going to want to jump into volunteering to run the LARP again, but it would be a shame to see a tradition like the LARP go away. The only reason I volunteered to run the LARP this year was because I had this one great LARP idea that would also allow people to play anyone but after running the scenario by a few people it became clear that the scenario was too serious. It was about a bunch of characters floating in nothingness after the universe was destroyed when someone failed to fix the Pattern. The characters would be the only survivors floating in primal chaos as mere thought forms that near the beginning of the game would take the forms that they wore in life. Now, they would have to figure out what was next for them.


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