Nuadha's Tale

Ignorance can be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it. -Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Sore throat today. Real sore. This stupid sickness just refuses to leave.

Rules for GMs
Rule #1: The player characters are the most important characters. Their struggles and sacrifices should never be overshadowed by the actions of NPCs. If the world needs to be saved, its the job of the PCs to do it They are the main characters and as the main characters the story should revolve around them. There are very few exceptions the rule. For example, if the character "saving the world" could not do it without the help of the main character, then they are still involved with the big plot. However, if wether they succeed or fail doesn't affect the outcome, what was the point.

Of course, everything doesn't have to be a "save the world" scenario. They could be doing "small jobs." The point is that if they are doing small jobs that is the most important thing going on that they know of. If the plot focuses too much on the bigger actions taken by NPCs then they weren't really the main characters and you have cheated your players.

(OK- That's really my commentary on MK's campaign. It was fun at times but my chief complaint is that in the end the plot was really about Corwin, not our characters.)


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